Building an Options Trading Plan: The Norstar Group’s Blueprint for Success

Building an Options Trading Plan: The Norstar Group's Blueprint for Success

Options trading is a dynamic and potentially lucrative way to invest in the financial markets. At The Norstar Group, we understand the importance of having a well-defined trading plan to navigate the complexities of options trading successfully. In this blog post, we will walk you through the process of creating a personalized trading plan that […]

Why Blockchain is the Future of Data Management

Why Blockchain is the Future of Data Management

In recent years, blockchain technology has gained immense popularity thanks to the rise of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. However, blockchain is not limited to cryptocurrency alone. It could revolutionize data management in various industries, including finance, healthcare, and logistics. Blockchain offers a new way of recording, storing, and verifying secure, transparent, and decentralized […]

Why Options Trading Might Be Your Next Best Investment Opportunity

Why Options Trading Might Be Your Next Best Investment Opportunity

For those looking to diversify their investment portfolios, options trading has increasingly become a go-to method of earning a profit. The benefits of options trading are numerous and could provide worthwhile gains for investors who carefully consider their decisions. Options trading allows traders to buy or sell specific underlying securities at a set price over […]

Alpha Investing Landscape in a Volatile Market – Beginner’s Guide

Alpha Investing Landscape in a Volatile Market – Beginner’s Guide

When it comes to Alpha Investing, the landscape can look like an immense challenge, particularly in volatile times. The emergence of Cryptocurrencies, interest in Precious Metals, and fluctuations in many economies can confuse and make investors feel stuck in a rut, unsure of where to invest their money. Investing, especially in these uncertain times, can […]

Why We’re Bullish on Junior Mining Stocks: A Guide for Investors

Why We're Bullish on Junior Mining Stocks: A Guide for Investors

Investing in junior mining stocks is exciting for investors seeking exposure to the ever-evolving, lucrative gold mining industry. In addition, with the current economic environment creating volatility and uncertainty, many investors have become increasingly interested in alternative investments that can provide a hedge against inflation concerns. Junior miners offer an attractive option for those seeking […]

Jason Nordlund, CEO of The Norstar Group, Gives Insights on the Recent Bank Failures

Jason Nordlund, CEO of The Norstar Group, Gives Insights on the Recent Bank Failures

The Norstar Group, a prominent investment company, connects entrepreneurs and investment professionals with opportunities through networking events, education, deal flow, and consulting services. The Norstar Group’s CEO, Jason Nordlund, has provided expert insight into the role that the Federal Reserve (FED) should play in analyzing interest rates in 2023. As an investment specialist with extensive […]

Blockchain Startups: How They’re Transforming the Crypto World

Blockchain Startups: How They're Transforming the Crypto World

The blockchain revolution is transforming the crypto world, and startups are leading the charge. By leveraging the power of peer-to-peer networks, Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT), cryptography, smart contracts, and other cutting-edge tools, these innovative organizations are disrupting traditional models to create more transparent and secure systems that provide a level playing field for all participants. […]

Investing as a Generalist Rather than a Specialist

Investing as a Generalist Rather than a Specialist

When it comes to investing, many people believe that being an expert in a specific asset is key to success. But with the increasing volatility of the markets, investors are now beginning to diversify their portfolios and becoming more generalists than specialists – especially regarding crypto and precious metals. This can open up exciting new […]

Seeing the Big Picture: Investing

Seeing the Big Picture: Investing

Navigating the world of investments can be complex, especially in today’s uncertain economy. With more traditional markets on shaky ground, investors are increasingly turning to alternative asset classes and investment strategies that can provide stable returns regardless of activity within traditional sectors like stocks and bonds. Precious metals and Cryptocurrencies represent two distinct potential opportunities […]

Interview with Jason Nordlund at The Norstar Group

Interview with Jason Nordlund at The Norstar Group

The Norstar Group was founded by Jason Nordlund who started his first company while in college. He went on to cut his teeth as a real estate investor before losing everything by his 30th birthday. The pain of this brought him back to the drawing board and led him to a multi-year in-depth study of […]